Imaginary Animals – paintings by Karen Little

Several years ago I fell in love with the teachings of Carla Sonheim who wrote the book “Drawing and Painting Imaginary Animals: A Mixed-Media Workshop with Carla Sonheim.”

Carla is a very imaginative and happy artist and teacher who inspires others on her website, Carla Sonheim Presents, ( Her subject specialty is fantasy.

I’m revisiting the techniques I learned from her with the idea that someday I might lead drawing classes to residents of my home community. Right now, however, I’m just having fun painting the Spirit Animals I see in rock, concrete, leaves, and other piles of stuff.

The most recent paintings are shown on top.



Concept Art

Concept art, when integrated into a serious project, takes a great deal of planning and skill. At the level you see in my article, creating imaginary creatures is fun and a good way to expand your imagination.

If, however, you wanted to elevate your illustrations into children’s books, games, or other types of professional reproduction, follow the advice provided here:



Karen Little –

Note: All art and photos on this website are the property of and and may not be reproduced in a fee-based publication without permission. Do you want to post these images in a commercial article? Request permission from Karen.